Names of the men who shall assist Moses

Numbers 1.5b-1.15

ReubenElizurthe son ofShedeur
SimeonShelumielthe son ofZurishaddai
JudahNahshonthe son ofAmminadab
IssacharNethanaelthe son ofZuar
ZebulunEliabthe son ofHelon
Ephraim1Elishamathe son ofAmmihud
Manasseh1Gamalielthe son ofPedahzur
BenjaminAbidanthe son ofGideoni
DanAhiezerthe son ofAmmishaddai
AsherPagielthe son ofOchran
GadEliasaphthe son ofDeuel
NaphtaliAhirathe son ofEnan
  1. sons of Joseph

There are tables in the Bible. This project intends to render those tables faithfully with modern means as tables rather than the original lengthy descriptions. The intention is to help Bible readers follow and understand the text.


We have several Bible tables processed. You can reveal options by clicking on the current bible section reference in the top menu.

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1 Chronicles 1-8

The first 8 chapters of the book of the Bible called First Chronicles is an extensive genealogy. In this application we show it as an interactive family tree. The diagram is made according to the texts of the English ESV and ISV translations. There is variation of interpretation of family relations between certain translations.

To follow the text, press the right arrow or click on the ">" link on the top of the right panel. You'll be presented with persons and notes about those persons in the order as it is written in the Bible.

In addition to this, you can also: