Dedication offering for the altar on the day when it was anointed, from the chiefs of Israel

Numbers 7.12-7.88

1Nahshon1the son ofAmminadabJudah
2Nethanaelthe son ofZuarIssachar
3Eliabthe son ofHelonZebulun
4Elizurthe son ofShedeurReuben
5Shelumielthe son ofZurishaddaiSimeon
6Eliasaphthe son ofDeuelGad
7Elishamathe son ofAmmihudEphraim
8Gamalielthe son ofPedahzurManasseh
9Abidanthe son ofGideoniBenjamin
10Ahiezerthe son ofAmmishaddaiDan
11Pagielthe son ofOchranAsher
12Ahirathe son ofEnanNaphtali
  1. {not specifically marked as the cheaf of the tribe}
pcs/tribepcs totalitemweightcomment
112silver plate130shekels1full with fine flour mixed with oil for grain offering
112silver basin70shekels1
112golden dish10shekelsfull of incense
112bull2-for burnt offering3
112male lamb a year old-
112male goat-for sin offering
224oxen-for sacrifice of peace offerings
560male goats-
560male lambs a year old-
  1. shekel of the sanctuary
  2. from the herd
  3. burnt with the grain offering

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1 Chronicles 1-8

The first 8 chapters of the book of the Bible called First Chronicles is an extensive genealogy. In this application we show it as an interactive family tree. The diagram is made according to the texts of the English ESV and ISV translations. There is variation of interpretation of family relations between certain translations.

To follow the text, press the right arrow or click on the ">" link on the top of the right panel. You'll be presented with persons and notes about those persons in the order as it is written in the Bible.

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